The team at Adoption Focus is committed to providing a friendly, caring and professional adoption process. We are a registered Adoption Agency, rated as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted and we deliver a comprehensive range of services, both pre and post-adoption, to children and families.
Our social workers are experienced and dedicated adoption specialists. We are experts in supporting people who want to adopt, and children who need them to be their new parents.
Our highly qualified management team has many years of experience in all aspects of adoption social work in both local authority and voluntary sectors and our adoption support social workers and social work assistants help us to provide the high quality range of direct work, training, social events, groups, peer support, advice and information to everyone who applies to adopt with us.
The work of Adoption Focus is underpinned by our business development and administration teams, who help us to run a friendly, professional and efficient organisation.
We respond to everyone who is interested in becoming an adoptive parent. We will be welcoming, respond quickly and provide clear information. Everyone who enquires or applies with us will be treated fairly, openly and with respect throughout the adoption process. We aim to offer the highest service standards for as long as needed. To find out more, get in touch.