Louise & James - Today is the Day

Today is the day… 

9 years ago today our babies became ours… 

9 years ago today our lives were turned upside down (understatement of a lifetime!). 

9 years ago we brought them home and welcomed them into our family forever. ♥️

It was a day I never forget - James and I were super excited. The bedrooms were complete, the cupboards stocked, the toys in place. We drove all the way with music blaring, and butterflies in our tummies. The next time we drove, OUR children would be in the back… In those brand new car seats … In the reflection of the rear view mirror. 🚘 

We arrived and it was quick - very quick; sort of like you are doing something others aren’t supposed to see… 

They said their goodbyes and then were put in the car; sent with a teddy and sweets and driven away quickly - crying and shouting for the foster carers… Oh, such an awful moment, etched in my mind forever… 😭 they clutched onto each other and hugged like their little lives depended on it - goodness knows the fear in my eldest's soul…

But 2 minutes down the road, they began to sing 🎶 laugh and chat away… 

Take a moment to imagine being ripped from all you know - given new identities and never being able to contact your old life ever again…. Told that some other adult you have never met is kind and lovely and that you can trust them - they picked you a new spouse, new location and new house where you have never been. And that is it; your new life forever… As an adult I would not cope - how do children?! The trauma is HUGE…

But here we are, 9 years on…

Today is the day my babies came home, today is the day 2 became 4… Today is the day we became the family that God intended us to be ♥️ 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 🐶 💕

I cannot image life without them now, we all make each other complete and we will celebrate in our usual way of pancakes for breakfast!

🥰”Our family doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful.”🥰 🎶