Business & Company Fundraising

Do you work for a company or own a business that could support us?

Could your place of work or business choose Adoption Focus as their Charity of the Year? 
We are happy to visit you and talk about our work so that everyone involved in supporting us has a better idea about what we do. To arrange a visit, please get in touch.

Here is our latest video 

Sales Fundraising:

We will promote those we partner with through our social media pages, website, and e-newsletter, giving them a potentially greater reach and also helping to raise awareness of their brand to a new audience and market.
Not only will they then be doing something good, but research also shows that they are likely to boost their customer base by being positively linked to a charitable organisation, as giving back increases engagement by sharing a charitable social mission and purpose.
We are very pleased to currently have a partnership with The Good Travel Agent

Other ways to support us could include: 

  • Hold an interdepartmental sports day or maybe an esports day (Xboxes at the ready!)
  • How about a Virtual Journey Challenge - Ask a local gym or leisure centre to lend you a few rowing machines or stationary bikes, then the challenge is to complete a set distance in a set time e.g. Birmingham to London. Could also be done remotely
  • Office pub quiz night – remotely or in person
  • Raffle an extra day's annual leave
  • Dress Down Friday - only those that donate can take part
  • Bake sale – who can raise the most funds from their cooking?
  • Raffle - whether its unwanted presents, books, or bric a brac donate your goods and hold a raffle. Could work remotely as well

Payroll Giving: 

A fantastic and stress-free way of supporting us without having to do anything is donating through your payroll. Anyone who receives their pay through payroll can give regularly on a tax-free basis to the charities and good causes of their choice. Payroll Giving donations are deducted before tax so for every £1.00 that you give it will only cost you 80p, and if you're a higher rate taxpayer it will only cost you 60p.

Click here for more details

These ideas may seem like small things but
make a big difference to the families we work with!