Sharing the joy of reading with BookTrust

Adoption Focus has recently been partnering with BookTrust, the UK's largest children's reading charity, to bring the joy and benefits of shared reading to our families. 

In recent joint workshops, BookTrust engaged with families, gifted children with book packs, offered advice on book choices and shared story-related craft and learning activities. 

Workshops conducted with families provided opportunities to get to know them and learn about their experiences, routines, rituals, and reading habits while observing children exploring their packs.

Through this partnership, feedback from Adoption Focus families will be fundamental in further developing and shaping the design of BookTrust's future offerings. This collaborative approach emphasises the importance of meeting the evolving needs of the caregiver and child whatever their age groups and backgrounds. 

Research shows the importance of reading for all children - and for those experiencing challenges or changes in their lives, reading together can help to navigate difficult conversations, create deeper bonds, trust, and a sense of familiarity while supporting mental wellbeing. Sharing stories has always been a great way of bringing families together and creating memorable moments.  

One parent who attended said: 

The BookTrust people were lovely. They explained what they were doing and gave her a pack. She absolutely loved decorating it with all the stickers and colouring. We ended up with two books…  Both were lovely and she really enjoyed them. 

Another parent added: 

The books and activity pack were great for my child. He really enjoys reading, and the books were of great quality. Thank you.

Thank you to our friends at BookTrust for involving us, our adopters and their children in their valuable mission.

Click here to find out more about BookTrust.