A collection of blog posts from people like you who have adopted children. We have adoption blogs covering the whole adoption process, from choosing your adoption agency, preparation training, family finding, and life as a parent of adopted children. Read adopters' experiences in their own words.

Patrick & Janet's Story - Deciding to Adopt
I can remember the day clearly when we decided that we would like to adopt.We had had a fairly archetypal journey to get to this point. Years of trying naturally, a heart-breaking end to a short pregnancy and then an extremely emotional year of failed IVF treatments.
Monique and Alice - Adoption was the Best Route for Us.
In this blog, Monique discusses adopting as part of a same-sex, interracial couple.
Lindsey & Steve - Adopting for a Second Time
In this blog, Lindsey and Steve talk about their adoption journey and why they decided to adopt for a second time.
Jodie & Louise – The Best of Friends
Jodie and Louise adopted siblings aged two years and 10 months. In this blog, Jodie describes meeting the children and the special bond her son and daughter now have.
Mike & Nathan - Adopt a Person
For me, being a passionate adoption advocate, the fact that pretty much anyone can adopt now is great. But that doesn’t mean that everyone should…..
Louise & James - Sports Day
Louise and James adopted their two girls with Adoption Focus. In this post, Louise's daughters makes her proud at sports day.
Louise & James - Small Steps to Progress
Louise and James adopted their two girls with Adoption Focus. In this post, Louise takes a moment to consider her daughter's progress.
Louise & James - Today is the Day
Louise and James adopted their two girls with Adoption Focus. In this post, Louise reflects on the anniversary of their children being placed.
Mike & Nathan - Party of Five
We never stop in our house! Most days, I get dragged from bed just after 6am by one of our three sons and the fun begins. It’s organised chaos in our house and it’s great. We’ve been through so much to get to where we are now, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.